To Rio!!

Strong he stands with helm in hand, and steers a course so true, through storm and tempest, towards the land that beckons strange and new.

-7th grade Birthday verse.

On Tuesdy, June 3rd, I will finally firmly grab the helm and steer a course to South America. The past few years I have been on an Odyssey behind the bars in San Francisco.  I’m ready to go and explore a whole new world, and to get lost in a place that’s teeming with global cultures, where Caipirinhas flow like the mighty Amazon. My journey begins at the foot of a golden gate, and will carry me beneath the mighty falls of Iguazu.

In the next few days, I’m going to be packing my bags,  and leaving my house for the last time.  The reality is setting in now, that these are my last days here in San Francisco. Soon enough, I will be in an alien land, in the midst of the madness  brought on by the entire worlds craze for one golden cup.
This is my quest for the holy grail of adventures. My dreams are of embarking on this adventure soon, with nothing but the open road and an open mind to the enchanted lands of the Amazon that lay before me.



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