Camping on Ilha Grande, Brazil
By Nick Neumann

Upon arriving in by ferry in Vila Abrão – the largest settlement on the island packed with cool hostels and backpackers – we decided to hike 2.5 hours to Lopes Mendes. It has been voted one of the best beaches in the world and it certainly did not disappoint, even though the hike was brutal with our packs.

Our plan was to camp on Lopes Mendes, but a life guard warned us that it was illegal and not safe because of the corrupt guards. The southern part of the island is patrolled by the military because it is national park territory.
We took the lifeguards advice, walked to the closest beach, which was just outside the national park, waited for all the boats to leave and the sun to set before setting up camp. The setting was simply spectacular.

There were no lights, so we could see the milky way by 7.30 pm. We ate our remaining bananas, oranges and cookies while kicking it on a beach. The sound of the ocean was quickly drowned out by the jungle. A night of natural solitude was exactly what we needed after a month in Rio. Walker was the only one with a sleeping bag and a mat, so the rest of us barely slept because of the cold, damp conditions.

We were ‘woken up’ at dawn by a troop of howler monkeys, hiked back to Lopes Mendes and passed out on the beach for hours. We had amazing time, but the next day we were filthy and starving so we took a boat back and spend the following night in hostel.

Filmed and edited by: Nick Neumann
Music: Damian Marley – Road to Zion (EFIX & XKAEM Cover)
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